Technical > Roo Man's Room

Changing from torsion front end to a-arm front end

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My fed is a 206" wb, motor is out 42". I need to either do some repairs to front end or replace. I like the a-arm look. I will loose 10-12" of wheel base (maybe a little more) and the steering tie rods will be in front of the axle center line. Will the steering be ok in front or should it be moved? I would like to leave it in the front due to fuel tank. Also will the narrower front effect how the fed handles? It all seems simple but was just wondering how others feel about it. I talked to Bruce a while back and he told me how to set up the torsion front end correctly but now I am leaning another direction. It is an addiction that never ends. Thanks Greg.

       it the very least you will need to rework the steering geometry. When the tie rods are in front of the axle they will need to move in the opposite direction to what they did behind the axle if all else remains the same. Post some photos so that we can see what you have now.


Couple things about a narrow track front end
You loose some stability or outrigger effect with it being narrower. If the car gets out of the groove/crossed upped, then the recovery angle gets smaller (tipping effect) compounded by not being 300" of wheelbase. The wider the front axle on a short WB car acts as an outrigger putting weight on the outside tire(of the turn) keeping the car flat at an increrased angle and makes the steering input not have to be as violent into the recovery. In other words a wider front end slows things down for eaiser control on a short wheelbase chassie when things go wrong.
Prefer rear steer over front steer, it just looks cleaner. If you run the steering rod out to the left front spindle then steering arms in front or back does not matter, but if you use a bellcrank then it does

Thanks for all the input you guys give. Another Question is if the torsion front end was removed for a solid drop axle welded to the end of the frame rails would you still need radius rods or could you do it with out? I don't think the a-arm deal would work anyways now that I have looked the fed over again as the upper and lower frame rails are too close together. When I get a chance I will post a pic of the front of my car. Thanks again.

If the distance from the axle mounting point to the king pin is less than 18" then radius rods are not required.



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