Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

new fed to me questions

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Paul New:

--- Quote from: probird on October 29, 2015, 04:56:55 AM ---It's a stefs racing pan. I'm guessing 2 to 3 inches down. The problem is that the trans pan is just as low. I need to seal it off with the belly pan.

--- End quote ---

I was referring to from the engine block

A quick measure from the rear of the block by the rear seal is 6 inches to the bottom of the pan. So probably 7 inch deep pan.

Had a look at some pics and I'll have to move it back to where it was.  There's no upright in the new location.

While 4 bolts per side on the RE is the spec, some tech's will allow the 2 per side because of the dragsters that have suspension.  Best is to strip the frame down and with a lineup bar, re-set the driveline to what you need and to meet current specs. You will spend more time and effort trying to make what you have work then doing it right in the first place.
Second thing is get the book out on mounting the belts!  NEVER-NEVER-NEVER mount the shoulder straps that low and long(3"-4" below shoulders) and NEVER to the same tube as the chute tow line. Whoever previously teched that car at the track should be forced to eat the rule book

Check out the dragstersupply.com web site he sells prefabricated rear axle plates and mounting brackets also various mounting tabs way cheaper than you can produce them.


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