Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

new fed to me questions

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I don't think so as there's no weight  on it. No motor etc.  She's stripped out.

Paul New:

--- Quote from: rooman on November 12, 2015, 05:18:43 AM ---
Add to that the fact that it is generally a good idea to build a little arch into the frame so that it is straight when under load

--- End quote ---

Ok Roo how much of an arc say in a 200" car 1/4"-1/2" I remember hearing about this on the old flexible cars dos not know this was still done? I wish I could afford to come be your apprentice for a year or two!

Not against arc, but I dont think its needed on FE dragsters. Never put it in any car I built and they hook up and go straight.

Arc puts the engine on a launching pad to which the engine can rise up easier for weight transfer and then you have to use the wheelie bar to control it.  Not haveing arc makes engine rise harder and the rear tires plant harder trying to get underneath the chassis. Whatever works for your combo

Well I have the uprights out an the mount areas cleaned up. Now just need the parts to show up and re install.
quick pic on the mount area and the 2 bent uprights.

ok. update:
The good= I have the uprights in and the drive train level and straight. rear end welded up. just need to weld in the uprights fully and paint the rear.

The not so good=The next item is the front. I cut the top rail and it straightened out but in front of the engine upright was still bowed up. I cut the 3/4 upright further ahead and the bottom straightened out! The upright and side diagonal is all messed up. Will refit and make it square. Who ever welded this up before really shouldn't have tried! I'll get it fixed. Glad I'm a tuber/pipefitter lol.
Till next time.


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