Technical > Spud Miller's Cave

Winter Storage


I'm pretty sure this has been covered but couldn't find it. After draining and drying all my FI stuff. What lube would you use for several months of storage?

i don't know if this is right, I do the same procedure as after racing empty tank add gas let it run until it stalls the empty the tank dump type f trans fluid in disconnect the the hoses at the pump drain it fill with fluid remove carb drain spray with wd40 put it away upside down so that the needles do't stick. i have two injector system to do one is a stack and the other is a toilet and don't know how to do the injectors and small hoses.

If you have an alluminum tank make sure it is empty and dry . I disconnect the lines from nozzles and blow air through the barrel valve and hoses . a little wd40 or mystery oil will help too. I take the pump off and flush it good with mystery oil and cap all the fittings . Don't forget your fuel shut off and jet cans they could use a little lube as well.


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