ALKY 101
Buy your alky from known trusted source hopefully in a sealed container or if in bulk at least get it from a seller that does volume and keeps clean fuel--there is a lot of crap fuel available.
Alky soaks moisture out of the air and goes bad--Keep it closed tight/sealed up all the time--we even plug our tank vent --when car not running
Filters filters filters--Stainless Never paper elements--available everywhere but Speedway Motors has good selection reasonable $
Never use paint filter or any kind of paper filter
BIG ONE--when buying new plastic fuel jugs remember they are FULL of plastic dust and shavings from being made--they MUST be washed with soap/water and rinsed perfectly before use
We drain EVERYTHING after race--blow through all lines with WD40--pull plugs, shoot down intake , inside tank etc then Blow it all out--You get a routine so it is not too bad will keep you from having issues that are hard to fix--do it.
There is always debate about top lube--many good opinions here is mine
It puts a film of lube on everything--it keeps corrosion at bay--that is the reason to use it--all that talk about lubing upper cylinder etc is bull in my opinion for the way we run--hey..I am eating dirt , rocks , bugs, etc down my injection--rocks off the slicks is a worry--lubing a cylinder in a non water block is last thing I am concerned about--those rings just have to tough it out to freshen up time

Timing is about the same in my experience--we run 38 total in a SBC with 13.8 to one
Lots to learn about getting engine warmed up right--ask fellow racers
I love alky--it makes Power!!