Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Searching for pics of lost FED


H.G. Wells:
I am looking for pictures of a car that was destroyed in August of 1968 at Green Valley Tx.
The car was raced by John Wilson, Randy Wilsons dad and he and Aaron Cox are looking to build a recreation of this car. It was a T Bar chassis and the attached pic is the only one they can find. I have also attached a link to the story on WDIFL about John Wilson and the crash that took his life in this car.

They believe they can duplicate the chassis based on some of the old heads around here and pics of other T Bar cars. The real trick is going to be the body and paint. That is why the pics are needed.

Any help would be appreciated.


Tony Casarez and I grafted the front half of this car to a back half that Paul Pritchet crashed also at Green Vally. About four years ago Mike Milsap sold the car to somebody from up north ,like Minnesota or so. Tony's boys may have more shots of the car,look on face book under Tony Casarez race cars.
   I would be very interested in recreating this car and the body .

H.G. Wells:
Don, thanks for that.
I will give Milsap a call and see if he has some pics of the front.
Cox and Wilson have some contacts with plans of that T-Bar chassis of that era, but are finding that they do not want to share.

The guys are not looking for parts, just picture to recreate. I will let them know you are interested.

Mr Froggy:
If the front half of the car still exists it would be cool to to have that much of the car incorperated into a recreation.  You probably already thought of this but did the car ever appear in a magazine?  I have a couple thousand old magazines in my collection and would love to help if I can!

H.G. Wells:
Thanks Froggy, if it was in a mag the guys are not aware of it.
The car only existed for a few months before the crash.


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