Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop
From SBC to BBC -- some questions
I need more power ;D
I have the option to get a complete BBC, ex Pro Stock engine, complete, with Sonny Bryant crank, EPD heads, starter, carbs, converter etc...for a good price. It needs some work; one new piston, a new valve and a little cleaning and rebuild. Today it is setup with two 4-port carbs, but thats not what i want. So, how do i know if i can use/rebuild this engine with a classic Hilborn, Enderle or Crower stack injection, magneto, dry block etc..? Is it the deck hight that is the critical part?
Or should i look around for something else?
That engine will turn into a nightmare --one--when you have a hurt piston --you probably have more than one--so a set of custom pistons in that application look for around $1200--and up Those are not on the shelf anywhere. How fast do you want to go? the math--how many HP do I need? Then look for the best deal for that kind of HP. Being in Norway and considering shipping costs on parts etc I would say a blown engine is out of the question--You run one and you will have a big pile of scrap iron out back of your shop in no time and big hole in your bank account--so I agree injected is smart way to go.
I think the engine you are looking at is a trap. Call Scott Shaffiroff in NY and get a NICE BBC less intake for very reasonable price- he specializes in shipping overseas and will send you more Chevy for the $$ than anyone--done right!-call Mike at Alkydiggers and get a BBC injection set up--again..very reasonable and will come with base line tune up--drop it in and prepare to be stunned at the performance.
You will need a new converter and headers other than that buy plenty of underwear cause you are going to need them while you "adjust" to the new found power level.
Sell that engine you have and I think you will not have to invest much at all to go all new and no excuses.
I would guess less intake , carb, and MSD you could get near 900 HP 565CI for around $10K--just get dragster oil pan, let him pick the cam, use Enderle front cover and Bam!
I repeat--that engine you are looking at is a money trap$$$$!!!! Run from it!
A used Pro-Stock engine is not what your looking for. Too many proprietary parts that are very expensive to purchase.
Also very high maintenance engines. Pro-Stock engines have at least 1.00" lift at the valve and that is hard on parts.
Just watch your favorite Pro-Stock team do between rounds maintenance and see what they are working on.
Sounds to me like your looking for about 1000 HP. Start shopping for a Top Sportsman engine that uses more conventional B.B.Chevy parts.
Few other considerations.Pro stock engines are built to work with 5 spd trans.They have huge bore short crank and not best suited to cars with 2 or even 3 spd tans.They are not meant to make 300 runs without service. Again almost all parts are custom which is another word for high dollar and no matter how good they are things will break.Finding stack injector to fit those heads is probably not going to happen.
Thanks guys, you have answered my questions. I'll check out Davids alternative :)
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