Technical > Roo Man's Room



Im considering to tear down my chassis to give it a new paint this winter. Chassis is chr.moly. How should i remove the old paint? Someone once said i should not mediablast chr.moly tubing, is that correct?
Or should i just sand it down ligthly and paint over the old paint?

There should be no problems with media blasting 4130 tubing. It is usually a good idea to use the least abrasive material that will get the job done.


Some outfits use Powder, which is broken down media from heavier jobs. they will use this powder on soft materials (brass and aluminum) where it does not need to be cut as heavy. Frames that have been painted by the powder coat method needs a heavy cut first and then the powder so the frame wont look like 80grit sandpaper

bad penny:
I had mine soda blasted worked great.Just went over it with a scotch bright pad after.

As mentioned if you soda blast you have to go over the steel and abrade . Something to do with the soda not getting off any corrosion and a left over layer from the process that may effect your paint system. So I am told.
Just like anything research for your application.
There is good info on the medias and there uses.


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