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7.00 question

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JrFuel Hayden:
So Bill, what are you planing on changing to run 7.0's ?

Good Luck on your up-grade

Jon Hansen

Hi there Jon The first thing I plan on doing is to get rid of some more weight . My axles are not lightened and I think it is time for an up grade . An alluminum valve body and pump are on the list and every little thing I can think of to get the weight down . Right now the car weighs 1450 with me in it . I think there is a lot left in the converter . My 60 ft's are around 1.05 to 1.07 and I think they should be better than that . My eighth miles are in the high 4.50's and 7.20 at 183 in the 1/4 . I had thought about a little bit of nitro but after seeing the damage a friend of mine did with only 15 percent I would rather work on other things . To me half the fun of racing is trying to come up with ways to make my car faster ! 

Have you given Park's a call you know hes the weight shaving guru. How about flywheel the one in Park's catalog looks super lite.Have you gone the ceramic bearing route yet? aluminum bolts where no stress?Aluminum spindles. aluminum spool. My axles are drilled and lightened flanged not sure how much lighter but they seem lite.Rear gear machined. Titainium driveshaft,been scare to check price on one. carring any extra fuel after run?

Didn't you go to real lite battery.If so would moving it back effect balance.If not moving it back ,means  two things can run smaller and less cable. Just few thing that came to mind.

Straight alcohol injected will not cut it in 7.0 you will need a little Nitro.  and the money you spend on all that lightweight stuff you could buy a decent blower setup

If your running 7.20's at the valley just go to another track ,that should pick up a couple of tenths. I used to run 10.20's there on a motorcycle. I went to atco and englishtown and dropped into the 9.80's 9.90's without changing a thing. Unless lebanon valley has changed in ten to 15  years it was a slow track.


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