Technical > Spud Miller's Cave
Sticking throttle but not a mechanical problem ?
In 12 days time I'm driving 4 hours each way to make my first runs since 1989 but I have a problem and I'm needing a bit of guidance please. I had a little test drive yesterday to check brakes steering etc on a quite country road and I couldn't help notice my throttle would not return when the engine is running. I have a very basic Mopar small block with a solid flat tappet camshaft. I have a Vertex internal coil magneto that has just been serviced. It has 10 degrees advance in the Maggy and is set on 36 overall. I have new Enderle 80A pump fed by a dash 10 line and a dash 6 from the pump to the injector which is a single 4" venturie similar to a Rons or Enderle single butterfly injection. I have a dash 6 return line and a 3/8 breather in the tank filler cap. When I start it the idle seems to increase as the engine warms but the bigger issue is the throttle will not come back from the highest rpm I hit. The throttle lever is firm to pull back to idle - I sort of think there is a hydraulic feel to it. I have checked the check valve in the return line and it is fitted facing the correct direction and seems to operate with out any sticking. Could a too small a return line cause this? The cable and butterfly shaft move freely when the engine is not running. Anybody come across some thing like this before?
Engine off but motor is still warm, back off the idle screw completely, loosen the screws that hold the blade and tap the blade with the end of a screwdriver to set the blade in the bore and then reset idle stop.
another thing is that you should have to depress the throttle peddle a little in order to attach it to the throttle arm, This is dragracing not F1 a little slop in the linkage is OK
Is it on gas or alky. It DOES make a difference as to the procedure used to set the butterflies. Gas do when HOT alky do when Cold. Spuds website had a paper that gives a detailed procedure for a beginner. Hope this helps. Al
-6 is fine for the return. If the return was too small it would tend to lower the idle because of a rich condition. Along with what was suggested make sure you don't get a vacuum leak when its warm. I had terrible problems with Felpro printoseal gaskets leaking. Changed to a cheap plain gasket problem solved.
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