DF, I know I have choosen the hard way, but what do you do when you have a stubborn crew cheif;)?
After I had bought the dragster, we tore it down, uppgraded the engine with crank-strapps and the blower set-up.
Painted it all yellow, really liked it the way Don Groff had it. We ran it two seasons, finding out that it would be the best to change the street flathead for some more serious engine. Since it had the C4 tranny, I thought it would be "smart" to build a small block Ford 302 cid. I got to buy a complete engine, and some speed goodies like a M/T timing cover. THEN the crew cheif "spoke", no way he would support me if I choose the SBF!

Sooo back to the Flathead.
A all new french block was bought and the project got a kickstart.....deside on the spec's... order alot of stuff.....make alot of stuff...after almost two years we finally got back to the tracks last year. But still some issues to solve....

But now the crewcheif is happy and still with me:)!