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Frame question

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First, this is a rear engine chassis but you guys the ones that know this stuff. Back story. Purchased this chassis for my wife to run a rear engine Ford Flathead. Really only need to go 9.99 and slower but would like to see if I can get it certified for 7.50 and slower. Original builder did a great job on the moly chassis but last owner was a hack.

My question is in regards to the lower frame rail. As you can see by the photo, the rear frame rail (#3) is butt welded to a cross brace the front seat support (#1) and its butt welded to the front frame rail (#2).

I’ve read the General Regs and the the 7.50 regs and (other than pictures) it doesn’t mention that the lower frame rail needs to be a continuous piece in the roll cage area.

Before I get too excited about working on this, I want to verify if this is a NHRA legal setup. I’m been trying to contact our local Tech guy but he just doesn’t seem to want to return calls. It’s worth the $100 to have him do an initial inspection before I continue.



Step back and take another pic, hard to define what I am looking at. A butt weld is when 2 pieces of the same dia are welded together inline

OK, I'll take a few better pictures tonight.


I guess that what you are saying is that the seat cross member is at the end of the forward lower frame rails and ties them together and then the rear rails attach to the back side of that seat cross member. If that is the front seat cross member where do the rear cockpit uprights attach? There was some discussion at the SFI meeting that I attended on Friday morning about permissible locations for a lower rail splice (inboard or outboard of the cockpit) but this is a whole different can of worms.


Here's a better pic Bruce.


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