Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Rookie First Runs

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I finally figured out a camera and have posted two runs on Youtube--search david kluttz dragster and they pop up--I have 14 runs now so car and me have settled down--I can pull up to the line and make a solid pass every time now --
Have discovered my Worm/Cenpen car likes to leave at low rpm, the MT 33x10.5 tires like about any tire pressure--oddly it 60 ft best --a 1.19 with 11 lbs( leaving with big rpm) but I am running about 8 now--all seems well--footbraking all the time--transbrake not wired
Average low 5.60's 121 MPH with a plain 350
I have about 40 lbs on the nose and wheelie bar where you can just slide your shoe under it
I am having a ball!!! Fall is coming, many events coming up so I am ready!!
Yahoo! I love my dragster!!!
Thanks to all here for so much help!

Congrats, looks great.  Can't have more fun!!!!

H.G. Wells:
Thanks for posting those up!
Keep it up and have a blast.

   2 things you should consider, one being back up further behind the line till just in front of the water box without getting back into the water, reason being that by not doing that you have no clue if you are not lined up straight since your crew is standing off to the side instead of in front. Backing up further gives you reference when pulling forward and you will always line up straight.
 #2, You are all hopped up from the run, SLOW DOWN!!!!! on the return road, People and Kids are Idiots walking around in the pits and these cars dont manuver and brake like a street car with good visability.
  Dont ruin yours or someone elses weekend with a preventable accident

Nice job Dave !


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