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Killer Tire shake Need Help.

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JrFuel Hayden:
Sorry Ricardo, I missed the post, I think 600 hp may be the low end. I know Bob McKray/ Don Enrquez running an all iron non-raised runner 23° SBC is running a 750 hp. And they ran a 7.16 at the 2016 March Meet.
Part of the problem is not allot of choices of tires, the 10.5 tires are made for door cars, stiff sidewalls, or 29x11x15, or 29x12x15 Goodyear, which of course lowers your clearance and total gear. For many years Enriquez ran a 30x12x15, but it's no longer made and Bob McKray is making more power.
I have found if I need more tire speed, ie less grip, I lower the tires pressure, like as low as 5 lbs. Lower if you run bead-locks.

I hope this helps,

I keep seeing lower pressure for less grip. I always thought slicks were opposite passenger tires and would lay down without cupping to create more grip at lower pressure.

JrFuel Hayden:
It's easy to prove, if you have an infared temp gun. With lower tire pressure you will get higher temps on the edge of the tires. When you take a shot after a run, just shoot the temps across the width of the tire. I always take a reading of tire temps after a run so I know how much it's spining. The reason why you get more tire speed is it concaves in the center. Now keep in mind if you want more bite, raise the pressure. Granted my advantures are with mostly 12" tires, but I think it's the same with wider slicks.



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