Technical > Roo Man's Room

Killer Tire shake Need Help.

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John, This is Scott with the big ass hoosiers.  What size rim do you guys recommend with the 12" slicks?  Also, do you still have some left? 

We have narrower our tire shake down to tire pressure and anything over 6.5 lbs (except at Bakersfield) will shake hard.

Our last time out the car shook 3 times, off the line and then had to hit again twice before it settled down.  The shake was so violent it broke
wheelie bar
front axle got bent
broke float bowl
cracked a valve cover
broke crank mandrel
broke ignition box
just in one pass, not to mention when the floats broke it flooded the motor with alcohol and blew out both head gaskets.

Wish I had this info when I was buying slicks last year.

i prefer a rim thats 2in narrower then the tread width, because it stands up square on the burnout and gets even temps across the surface. To run a matching rim to the tread the tire crowns and the center gets hotter and the edges dont get any heat.

Scott if you can get a set of the Good years from Jon they would be your best choice for your car . If you can't get a set Hoosier makes a 12x33 co9 tire 18350 part number . I have run them before and it is a pretty decent tire . Like I said the Good year would be my first choice .

Two questions if I may:

1) When troubleshooting tire shake, is it valid to skip burnout and see how it goes?

2) Generically speaking, what's the lowest acceptable horsepower to successfully run the Goodyear 31x12x15 tires? (alky FED, PG, ...)

Most  any time I have had  shake problem more power was  key to curing it. IMO the 2500 leave on OP is biggest issue.Shake is basically tire not knowing if it wants to spin or hook.let it spin a little and your brain and car parts will think you.Now by spin I mean a little  and there is good margin between little spin and spinning to point of loosing ET.At 2500 I'm pretty sure you are way below powerband , heck thats street car powerband and with smaller tire and way low HP.

While I agree tires maybe bigger than norm.I am not sure that changing is  only way around problem. tire compound and power at hit would seem to the way around it.I know the  hoosiers I have on mine are way soft and will not be hitting track on car.I going with harder compound M/T's for first run's  and working from there.Power wise I should be around 1100 and running 6600 stall.Wish I could say that it works but have no idea yet. first fire up is in week or two .Doing assembly and wiring now.


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