Technical > Spud Miller's Cave
Toluene and % Nitro
--- Quote from: masracingtd1167 on August 10, 2015, 01:45:00 PM ---I have a question Why do you mix that with Nitro ?
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How does that effect the percentage? Or better question how do you get exactly percentage you want when you add Toluene?
Spud Miller:
Toluene has a slightly higher SG (specific gravity) than methanol and much lower than nitro.
To keep it easy, I generally mix my nitro batch up and add a quart to a 5 gallon jug (about 4% by volume). The percentage and SG drops very slightly about like if you added a quart of methanol. When you're real concerned with percentage, I would keep track of the SG before and after the toluene addition. That difference will remain pretty much a constant because the SG of methanol and toluene don't change drastically like nitro does. If you test or make changes to your percentage later, just figure that difference in and you'll be very close.
Thank you for the information. I run the 5.00 NE 2 class and use a few percent of Nitro to run right where I want it to. Even .5 or 1% makes a difference. I usually do not need over 4% so mix is critical.
--- Quote from: Spud Miller on August 11, 2015, 07:14:48 AM ---
Thanks Jon.
It runs consistent low 6.80's @ 200 in the heat. Same plugs all weekend. All iron 392" small Chevy. Stack injected, Enderle 990 pump, 63 degrees, 2.91 rear gear (not a typo), powerglide. Weighs 1700 lbs at the starting line and spools up to 6800 RPM at the finish line. Haven't had the heads off in 6 years. Rings and bearings are now on their 8th and final season. Planning to go through it and put a new crank in it this winter.
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That is truly impressive and great durability.
Spud, I did try the Toluene 1 quart to 5 gallons of 20% mix and it worked very good. Thank you,
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