Technical > Spud Miller's Cave
Toluene and % Nitro
mike cioci:
thank you spud
Surfers also ran 6 to 1 CR
If you want more flame with nitro, cut the nitro with acetone
JrFuel Hayden:
WOW, Spud 100% ? When we ran anything over 95% in our 1964-69 all iron 301 ci SBC JrFueler it was inconsistant with funny looking plugs. But then again my combo was abit different than most of the West Coast JrFuelers, with our 110 pump [ Kent Enderle always told us that pump is too big for what you run] also we ran 55° on the crank [like the west coast guys] , but we had another 20° in the mag, and a 3.70 rear gear, when the West Coast guys were running 4.10's. It was difficult to push start. We did win allot of races in the midwest, and ran 191 mph in our high gear 900 lb car in 1965.
My hats off to you for running 100% of the good stuff !
Jon, JrFuel Dragster Association, and Hayden Wheels
Spud Miller:
Thanks Jon.
It runs consistent low 6.80's @ 200 in the heat. Same plugs all weekend. All iron 392" small Chevy. Stack injected, Enderle 990 pump, 63 degrees, 2.91 rear gear (not a typo), powerglide. Weighs 1700 lbs at the starting line and spools up to 6800 RPM at the finish line. Haven't had the heads off in 6 years. Rings and bearings are now on their 8th and final season. Planning to go through it and put a new crank in it this winter.
All I can say is "Remarkable longevity" Spud!
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