Technical > Spud Miller's Cave
Toluene and % Nitro
I have been using 1 qt. toluene per 5 gallons of 30%, how much on 50%. Is there a formula?
Spud Miller:
I've found that 1 quart is plenty in a 5 gallon jug regardless of nitro percentage. More won't really do much extra.
I have a question Why do you mix that with Nitro ?
Spud Miller:
Ah, I should have 'splained :)
Detonation control. Adding toluene to a nitro mix reduces/eliminates the tendency for it to explode before the spark happens. It's a stabilizer. If you run high compression (~13:1 or higher) and want to run any nitro at all, detonation can be a problem. Putting one quart of it in a 5 gallon jug of your mix generally eliminates the problem.
Having said that, you can't go crazy with ignition timing and compression ratio and expect magic just because you have toluene it in. But it makes a huge difference.
mike cioci:
wow...did not know that
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