Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

First 1/4 mile runs

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Yeah, idle was too low, i realize that now, especially after seen these movies.
I guess i can skip the tach in the beginning, just wanna go fast and find the engines limits before i start trying to run consistent.

BUT; i found flakes in the oil yesterday night, so i have to tear it down for inspection. Actually that means im doing a full rebuild. I want to make sure everything is in the best condition for next years racing.

Another good reason to raise the idle is if you do use the trans brake it will help to make sure its applied fully before you release the hand brake. If you drive up to the line and back use second gear around the pits. It will counteract some of the high idle.


--- Quote from: BK on August 20, 2015, 04:00:20 AM ---Another good reason to raise the idle is if you do use the trans brake it will help to make sure its applied fully before you release the hand brake. If you drive up to the line and back use second gear around the pits. It will counteract some of the high idle.

--- End quote ---

Thanks, good to know  :)

H.G. Wells:
Everyone told me I did not need a tach to run the car and they were right, no time to look at it during the run. However, I did put a memory tach under the cowl to read after the run as I am too cheap to use a computer. I turn it on after the burn out and it has proven to be worthwhile.

JrFuel Hayden:
What brand and part # memory tach  do you use, and does it give to a play back that shows, launch RPM, shift RPM, RPM after shift [ ie stall or flash RPM], and finish line RPM ? if so got some examples ?



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