Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop

Gear drive harmonics

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I ran a 355 stack injected SBC for several years with a double roller chain timing set. Last year we decided to go with a blown combination and I stayed with the chain. After an additional 30 runs we took the engine apart and found the chain had stretched a good deal so I bought a Donovan gear drive. The gear drive is a well built piece but we are having an issue with bolts vibrating loose on the timing cover. I feel certain we have a harmonic associated with the gear drive . I am going to take it apart soon but other than studs and red locktite what should I do or look for? I do run a standard dia. crank snout with a outboard bearing support. Even if I can keep the cover from coming loose , I'm concerned about crank and bearing longevity.   Thank you . George

Paul New:
Sounds like the mesh of the gears is a little tight not enough backlash

Detonation will loosen bolts also.

I run a Milodon gear drive on my BBC and have never had any of those issues.  My guess would be to go back over the install process and make sure everything is adjusted and installed perfectly.

A friend had similar issues. Turned out to be a cracked crankshaft. Not saying that's you problem. I would think it could create some harmonics though.


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