Technical > Spud Miller's Cave
Optimal Fuel Pressure
H.G. Wells:
Spud, I am guessing nozzle size/accuracy is even more critical with nitro than with alky?
Just thinking ahead here and making notes.
Pipe Dreams:
--- Quote from: Zooman on July 16, 2015, 03:27:50 PM ---I'm going to have to get a couple of sets Spud!
--- End quote ---
me to.
Treat the engine like 8 single cylinder motors tied together, nobody says that all nozzles have to be the same.
With fuel(and port nozzles), if you have 1 cyl running hot, do you but a bigger nozzle in it? NO!, that reduces line pressure and they all go lean, you adjust other cylinders with smaller nozzles which raises line presure and more fuel goes to the hot cylinder with the same nozzle.
IMO with normaly asperated injection, the only time matched/flowed nozzles are nesassary is when you drop one and screws up the flare end and you need to replace it, at that point any difference in flow rates will throw a curve in the tune-up that was already in balence . Blown Alcohol (thru the hat, no ports), once you get the entire system flowed and the nozzle area figured out for you combo, the nozzles never change
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