Technical > Roo Man's Room

Battery position

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Entry easy chassis is open in front, straight shot. Exit will have to be tru chassis and going to make gromet for it as not to wear thru shield. Have to then connect to switch for mandatory disconnect.

I had a dragster in the shop recently for some repair and upgrade work including moving the battery to the front of the car and I added the slots and doublers so that he could mount the switch adjacent to the battery and run the shut off cable through the upper rail where it exited on the lower side of the shoulder hoop just before the bend. Put a tab just behind the slot to clamp the cable and the end of the cable ended up just below and to the right of the chute pack.


I once ran the battery in front of the engine and the switch right next to it mounted on a plate, then used a shifter solinoid to knock the switch off. Ran some 16ga wire to button switch on the back. Turned the main on and off by hand normally, but in emergency push the button and kills everything.. The next car I did this on was a door car but also made a rollover switch so that during a hard crash while the driver was occupied with more important issues, the car would shut down the engine and most importantly, the fuel pumps!!!!


--- Quote from: rooman on June 22, 2015, 10:49:18 AM ---I had a dragster in the shop recently for some repair and upgrade work including moving the battery to the front of the car and I added the slots and doublers so that he could mount the switch adjacent to the battery and run the shut off cable through the upper rail where it exited on the lower side of the shoulder hoop just before the bend. Put a tab just behind the slot to clamp the cable and the end of the cable ended up just below and to the right of the chute pack.


--- End quote ---

hi roo, what's your view on drilling into the chassis to rivet panels or tap for p-clips to hold fuel lines. Would a drilled hole be a stress riser ??  Also the slot idea is there any published spec on how long a slot can be an thickness of the material for the doubler ??

Couple holes for rivets are fine, just not every inch.   SFI spec states that when a hole in the frame exceeds 25% of the circ. then a .049 doubler must be used and welded around the perimeter.


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