Technical > Roo Man's Room

Battery position

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Getting ready to mount battery in car. Can mountbehind front axle centerline,move fuel tank back cpl inch's for little extra clearance.You know that electrical and aluminum tank full off alcohol don't mix thing. I can mount in front of axle centerline,leave tank where is with lots of room between. Lot more work including making new nose piece.

  Question would be more effective out front or no real differance?If it would be more effective and save maybe having to add more later the work is not issue.

weighed front end  with battery in front of axle CL. battery is 10 heavier thaqn actual race battery. Using halfa-s-s bathroom scales (2)I have 356 lbs. No chute or wheelie bar on rear.Did have fat butt driver(225#) in seat plus full body,not the chute body,dang I left bunch off rear.

If you have sparks coming off your battery you have more problems than moving the fuel tank further away will solve. Similarly, if you have a problem with fuel getting to the battery there are other issues to address.
 The front weight sounds reasonable to me and I would not worry too much about changing it until you run the car--every combination varies (power/torque/front-rear balance etc) and until you actually make a lap you are just guessing unless you have a lot of prior experience with a similar package. As Bruce repeatedly states you can make anything go down the track and you have to run the car before you can determine exactly how close your first guess was as to what it needs.

Not really worried about battery and fuel deal under normal siuation.More of human stupidity. Like  someone hooking or unhooking charger while tank is being filled. Not that allow many people to help me out at track. Plus getting battery cable past tank with almost zeero clearance between tank and chassis.

  have battery mounted in nose now. Figure heavy rubber hose around cable should  where passing tank should help there. Probably overthinking and trying to get a head of any thing stupid happening..Once watched a guys generator ignite fumes from another guys gas jug while filling his car. They where on oppisite sides of pit road.

Put some ports in the frame rail and run the battery cable through it. I presume that you only run one large cable from the battery to the starter--it also saves on ty-wraps.   :)



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