Drag Racing Discussions > Altereds

safety equipment

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This seems to be an unclear topic with NHRA. I have a FED that where the tranny is separated from the driver by a bulkhead / firewall.  I thought I could use a -5 suit, then NHRA tells me because I'm sitting behind the rear housing, I need a -15 suit. 

Totally T:
Using ET Rules..a -5 will work as long as the stock case trans is sealed off with a floorboard meaning that you cannot see tranny from looking down. If you are using a aftermarket case, you do not have to have it covered.

at this point I have a stock case with a trans-shield but no flexplate shield is this passable? I do have a floor pan and cannot see transmission while sitting in the car. not trying to skimp on safety by any means but I don't want to show up to the track and have the wrong equipment and have to buy things twice.

Totally T:
Stock case  requires a flexplate shield regardless of what suit you choose....but a full floorboard will get you in with a -5 using NHRA ET Rules.

If you go to the link that Glenn posted. On pages 68 and 69 you will find the info you need for IHRA. Use the 0.00 to 9.99 chapter.
You will need a certified flexplate, flexplate shield and trans shield.
A -5 suit with gloves, arm restraints, neck brace and helmet would be the minimum. Racing shoes are a good idea as sneakers can melt and stick to you in a fire.
Trans can be exposed for IHRA with a -5 suit. NHRA requires a -15 suit or cover on trans.
I thought a helmet with a SA rating was required with the engine up front. If its not its a good idea. They have a strap that is fire retardant so it wont melt and stick to you or break away in a fire.


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