Technical > Spud Miller's Cave
Flat under low end Load
Now I do not know here but it seems to me if it was a bad chip it hurt it more on top RPM. Do you know anyone who can loan you another ignition box to try? I know last year I had all kinds of problems car would run 5.09 one pass the next one 5.49 missing, popping and banging. Changed every thing out and kept testing the ignition box and it tested good. Finally changed it anyway and it ran like a top. Honestly I do not know what would make the ignition worse at low RPM and run good at higher RPM?
Rotor phasing may be an exception. Just do not know. Hope you find it quickly.
All, thanks again. I did change out the ignition box, new cap and rotor went over all my grounds, and checked all my connections. I did find a loose wire from my distributor to my box, but that wire I would think would either give me spark or no spark at all. We will be racing this weekend. I'll keep everyone up on if it worked or not.
Thanks again!
Good Luck with it and let us know how it works. :)
Call this a wild idea, but we had a customer car doing exactly this same thing.
Chased it a good bit, found the converter fins were standing up and killing the middle of the run, K
Thanks everyone for the help. We ended up changing to the Digital 6AL box, and put a new cap and rotor in it. And cleaned the problem right up. No more issues....Thanks again for the help!
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