My one hat/tunnel ram combo was an M-1 manifold with Hilborn Shotgun on a 512 Mopar wedge. I drilled the nozzle holes about an inch above the head mating surface as far down the runner as I could safely get without the hard lines interfering with the valve cover. I had little if any variation with plug readings, which, I felt were a result of having a clean shot of air for the majority of the tunnel port. The manifold did have a plenum which seemed to also help equalize the air from cylinder to cylinder. I was running mid 130's in 1/8th so I don't think I was getting too much ram effect toward the rear cylinders, higher speeds would probably change that if you're running 1/4 speeds. Might need to run Enderle style nozzles with the drop in jets for fine tuning if you're looking for that last HP. I was running Hilborn/Kinsler style nozzles, and in a bracket car, I always tried to keep in the middle of the tune-up window so I never felt the need for the drop in style, would probably go that route though, if I was building that system today. BTW, no reason at all to run hat nozzles in this kind of setup.