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Bowling Green 2015 who's going

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I tried the JR. Fuel deal. I love the class but requires too much travel and commitment. I plan on coming down and will be racing a well stocked cooler.

SS3 Race Team will be there........running 7.0 Pro

Do they run the NE 1-3 classes and other index classes ?
What series do you run Glenn? What other indexes are quicker than the 8 second? As in do they go at 1/2 second or 1 second intervals?
Should have the car back together this week and to the track soon after. What a long winter of non race activities, but life can get busy at times ;)


--- Quote from: Supercat on April 26, 2015, 05:52:46 AM ---Do they run the NE 1-3 classes and other index classes ?
What series do you run Glenn? What other indexes are quicker than the 8 second? As in do they go at 1/2 second or 1 second intervals?
Should have the car back together this week and to the track soon after. What a long winter of non race activities, but life can get busy at times ;)

--- End quote ---

I run in a series called NDRL (Nostalgia Drag Racing League).

They run it as a race within in a race ( first race (Jun 18- 20) will run within the Hot Rot Reunion race)

The series has two classes Pro Comp (center steer) and Pro Gas (door cars). It is all index, and the indexes run from 10.0 to 7.0 in half second steps. 7.0, 7.5 are separate and 8.0 through 10.0 is all lumped together with a staggered tree.

You do not have to be a member to race in the series.

This is the web site

There are a number of members from NDRL here SS3 racing is one (above) 32bantam .

President is also a member here Troy Wilson (Totally T) He is a good guy and I am sure he would love to encourage you to run with us.

You Tube video of the series

Would love to say will have car there.Doubtful,but still thinking of going.May have to look George up make sure that cooler gets taken care of. I'm nice guy like that. Depends on few other deals around same time. Hopefully will get day or two in.


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