Technical > Roo Man's Room

Who can build a custom size axle?

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--- Quote from: BK on April 22, 2015, 03:04:43 AM ---I was looking at how FEDNV's axle is mounted. It looks like maybe 1/8" plate with 4 3/8's bolts. To me it looks like the plates would act as levers and place a lot of force on those bolts. Am I looking at it right? Would your new design address that?

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I saw that too, not particularly well engineered especially with the bolts so close together. Having the axle plate in a triangular format with the bolts close to the upper and lower frame rails would have been better and having them closer to the axle itself would also help (although the left side is probably better without the "adjustability").
  I also presume that because the axle is in the stagger mode that is the reason that the clevis on the rack end of the tie rod is close to the limit of its maximum angular displacement. As the steering arm on the spindle will swing forward as the car steers it is not a problem but it just looks a little funky.


One thing at a time, and the mounting issue will be addressed

front axle showed up this morning

Give me a call so we can discuss your axle    1-310-768-3163

OK, so first want to say thank you to Bruce for making my axle.  It fits perfect and really like the cool trick to put weight in the axle itself.  Decided to go with a straight axle this time and not deal with the stagger.  Not fully welded in yet but got it tacked in for mock up and it looks great.  We ended up using different mounting hole to slightly raise the front and added another attachment point for strength.  Also, the steering has never been so smooth and easy to turn.


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