Technical > Roo Man's Room

Front axle size and wall thickness.


So after breaking my wheelie bars and finding both sides of my axle are bent I want to make a new one.  The current one is 1.5" outside diameter.  Is a .25" wall good for this type of application?  Would that be too hard to bend? 

What is the current wall thickness on the bent axle?   Most axles I make for the dragsters are 1.5 x .120 wall. and for F/C I step up to 1.625 x .188wall . The benifit of not going too thick of a wall on the front axle is that after an incedent , would you rather replace a front axle because it bent or front half your frame because the axle didnt

DREracecar that is why I am asking.  I am fine with .120 wall but just have never built one and seeing what people are using.  I also think my current one is mild steel and not chromoly.  I was planning on using chromoly on both my new wheelie bars and axle.

I am on the same page as Bruce, 1.50" x .120" for dragsters.



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