Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Rear Tire selection

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up in smoke:
anyone out there ever try the hoosier 33x12-15 pt # 18350????

Should anyone find a tire for an injected Alky FED that will out perform the Goodyear 2585 after a comparison please post some info. Thanks.


--- Quote from: JrFuel Hayden on April 14, 2015, 09:46:32 PM ---After talking to slick manufactures and some racers that pointed out all the 10.5 tires are designed for the 10.5 door car classes. So I think the biggest difference in those tires is a lot stiffer sidewalls to handle 3000+ lb door cars and softer compound to work with "dead-hook, shift, dead-hook, shift," etc.
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I've never seen a 10.5 outlaw door car "dead hook"  From my observation it's a controlled spin for the duration of the run.

Do you care to expand on this?

I have a couple of questions, and I don't want to hi-jack the post, but here goes.

Disclaimer, I am known as an over thinker, and I don't want to be a smarty pants, but I am always curious.

There are a couple of JR. Fuel, Heritage, 4.99 minimum dial in racers on here, and there are also some bracket racers/nostalgia index racers that aren't concerned about the fastest ET, but more consistency and running the dial.

So here goes.  First, I see some opinions about "tire growth"  but why do you really want a tire to grow?  they way I see it, the more it grows, the less chance you have of having a flat contact patch?  Wouldn't centrifugal force push the center out?  Yes, I know NHRA top fuelers do this, but, they also have a huge wing. 

Second, I don't exactly understand the big deal about tire weight? I seen on Jegs the 10.5 mickeys were 33 lbs and the 32 12 hoosier's (D05) are 28lbs.  Yes, I know 5 pounds a tire is big when ET is in line, but if running an index or bracket, what does 5 pounds really matter?

Third, it seems that everyone wants their FED/Altered to "get up on the tire quick" and "wheel speed is king" Why wouldn't a stiff sidewall work here?

Just curious, not to be smart, all opinions welcome

Fire Away!

Can't answer any of that but my 10.5 MT will spin with lower pressure and dead nut hook the slober out of your mouth at higher pressures  that is the exact opposite of what that tire has done on my past door cars FWIW .
The dragster is way different in lots of ways--it really digs crazy loose converter--my door cars did not
The math for lower weight on rotating parts will astound you at the performance diff it Should make--I am like you --doing this for fun so who cares but...real racers pee before a run and take the spare change out of their pockets


--- Quote from: up in smoke on April 17, 2015, 04:18:34 PM ---anyone out there ever try the hoosier 33x12-15 pt # 18350????

--- End quote ---
   I have used that tire on my car and it is a pretty good tire . It is a little more aggresive than the Goodyear and a little heavier . I think it is a good option for those who can't get the Goodyear . I plan on trying them again on my car at some point .Bill


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