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Recommendations on books for Oxy Acetylene welding aluminum


My son as become accomplished at restoration of A/C Cobras and working on such vehicles as 250 GT Lusso and Ferrari 430 .

He is an employee at ColourRestoration in Loveland , Co

He would like recommendations on technical books of Oxy Acetylene welding aluminum

Glen tell him to google Fournier Enterprises . He has some instructional videos on gas welding alluminum .I have done it my self a couple of times but without the proper color lenz it can be a little difficult ,


--- Quote from: masracingtd1167 on April 04, 2015, 12:47:09 PM ---Glen tell him to google Fournier Enterprises . He has some instructional videos on gas welding alluminum .I have done it my self a couple of times but without the proper color lenz it can be a little difficult ,

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I have passed the information on, he has the lens ($180.00)

Chris Kopp:

Union Carbide has a book from the 60's / 70's, as mentioned in another response Ron has one, and a couple other "how to" metalworking books found online are available. Most books give a basic explanation of process and set-up, but it's nice to have "live" directions available. If your son has questions I'd be happy to help. The process is easy once you get over worrying about destroying your panel. Of course practice, practice, and more practice helps...



--- Quote from: Chris Kopp on April 26, 2015, 11:23:15 AM ---Glenn,

Union Carbide has a book from the 60's / 70's, as mentioned in another response Ron has one, and a couple other "how to" metalworking books found online are available. Most books give a basic explanation of process and set-up, but it's nice to have "live" directions available. If your son has questions I'd be happy to help. The process is easy once you get over worrying about destroying your panel. Of course practice, practice, and more practice helps...


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I have passed this on, here is some current work he is doing


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