Technical > Spud Miller's Cave

lost my tune up

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Its been several years(didn't race for a while)soI/m not  sure what the original pill was.This was my first bln/inj motor and I was learning as Iwent.I started w/overdriving the blower a bit and fattening it up at the same time.I was only running 28 to 30degrees timing.Every thing went south from there.I also think I may have been way off (to fat?) on the barrel valve from what it had set at originaly.At the time it was acase of just enough knowledge to be dangerous.Another lesson learned

chuck with a w?


thanks for your input chuck.Bearings are mint,plugs are good.Ithink you are right about it going way fat.mph  was down as well.I don/t think its a mechanical issue as everything is fresh and I was surprised how quick Jim got me back in the ball park.I/m using a gasket between the blower and manifold.should I be using an o-ring setup instead?the fuel system was set up as simple as possible w/ no high speed bypass and I/m returning the fuel to the inlet side of the pump instead of the tank.Any suggestion for best barrel valve setting, or where to go from the 170 pill?Thanks again.

Ralph, I sent you a pm. Chuck


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