Technical > Spud Miller's Cave
Throttle opening
Yea Bill but the TQ would flip a SBC over backwards and into the ground.When you have tq who needs RPM? Could resist but did not want to. ;D Use to go 10,000 but had extra lung pushing 45# boost,had to help some.
Varibles.MSD mag 20 at 36 to 38* 125 pill 6.65 gpm pump system pressure right at 110(according to Spuds calculator).Now as for load during stagging can not say.Converter is 6600 stall on brake. Trying to work out a SLE thats electronic only no co2 to emilanate bottle,lines and few other parts.Less lieces less to go wrong
--- Quote from: masracingtd1167 on March 04, 2015, 11:43:14 AM ---Chris With that hemi I would think full throttle it might make 5000 . I just couldn,t resist !!!
--- End quote ---
Could it reach that far w/o nitro, NOS or a huffer?? (sorry Chris ;) )
I kniow Ricardo but appoligee is in order.Again did want to resist. :)
lets rework question.
If you have positioner that makes throttle hit exact same spot every time it should be almost dead on same rpm(no other changes to system jet or tuneup) .True or false? If expect a rpm change I would think very minor
True. But throttle controls engine torque, not speed. The achieved engine speed is the result of the torque produced for a given throttle opening minus the load to the engine. Quick example is how for the same throttle opening the engine speed changes (drops) when an automatic transmission is shifted from Neutral to Drive.
To achieve what you want, I’d probably start with a ¼” opening and start opening up gradually to achieve the 5000 rpm target. Just be careful because, being a mechanical fuel injection, air/fuel ratio might be off at that part throttle position (concerned with engine overheating).
Good luck Chris.
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