Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Steerin' and Spools

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I have had door cars,dragsters up to TA/D, funny cars and a roadster.All had spools no driving issue at all.Then I never worried about driving in dirst or grass.

To each their own.I just know if told a car Iwas getting ready to climb into a hang the family jewels behind the rearend housing of had open rear.I would do 180 and say thanks but no thanks.I know guys use to it all of the time.Then they also ran rollbars with their heads out and above them.


--- Quote from: dreracecar on September 27, 2015, 01:23:39 PM ---If you can't steer with a spooled rear end, you have big issues elsewhere     Yup for sure.........it's your goat though!

--- End quote ---


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