Technical > Roo Man's Room

TIG welding Moly ?

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There are books on welding tubular airframes. I would start at the library or online

Mr Froggy:
OK!   Thanks Bruce!   Like I said,  I want to Learn!   

Where did you learn?   Did you have a Mentor or by trial and error?  Or both?

Good tube fitting is as important as anything here. Don't be afraid to throw away a poorly fitted tube and start again. Every chassis builder generates scrap from time to time.

My shop was next to Don Long for 20 years, might have picked up a couple things during that time period.

An interesting tidbit of info: When completely welding a 300" top fuel car, the wheelbase shrinks .250"

We Bad:
"Construction of Tubular Steel Fuselages" by Dave Russo.  Published by Aircraft Technical Book Co.
ISBN 978-0-9774896-0-2

This is a good place to start reading.


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