Technical > Dan Dishon's Transmission Den
High low valvebody
When first running may car I tried high gear leave vs. low gear --Car runs steady 5.60 with low gear and steady 6.0 with high gear launch amazing how consistent it does High gear leave is boring in my car though
I think if I was going to let a friend try my car the high gear leave would be the trick for letting them get a pass in an FED without any drama--it calms the entire deal right down
That is very good info to have. Thanks for the update.
--- Quote from: BK on October 13, 2016, 09:45:47 AM ---I'm looking to slow my reaction time down about .130. Any ideas as to how much leaving in second might add? Right now the car 60fts 1.20-1.21.
Also is there a way to determine if the brake in the trans is a Pro Tree or Full Tree?
I believe Greg at FTI said he had to dial .04 out of box to get light to be close to low gear leave.FTI now sells a hi/low billet valve body I think price is about 500 bucks.Its on my to get later list which is growing everyday.
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BK I think Pro brake requires you to engage the trans brake button to back up. Sportsman brake you can back up normally in reverse without engaging the trans brake button.
In most cases that is correct. Most pro brakes require the solenoid to be applied to engage reverse, most standard brakes dont.
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