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High low valvebody

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 Getting ready to finish glide for FED.Valvebody and torque conveter are remaining itmes. Looking at two options.One is build vavle body using kit that comes with transbrake.Have done half dozen or so no issues,

Option 2 is high low valvebody.Allows me to leave with transbrake in either low or if track conditions caLL  for it I cam leav in highgear to help with bad track condition or need to slow car down for class. Does cost twice as much roughly 200 bucks more.It would basically be another tuning tool. Not sure how much it would come in handy,but buying once is cheaper than buying opt 1 then going to opt 2 later.

 Wondering if anyhere have used high gear leave.If have used high low valvebody. Thoughts on them?

We have played with high gear leave. While i dont have one of those valvebodies we do launch off a 2 step and we set the shift 100 rpms higher so it goes into high right after the brake release. Our results for a 2300lbs door car was going from 5.90s to 6.40s in the eighth. The car ran pretty consistent only problem we found was their not much middle ground. Bumping the shift up but staying under the stall speed didnt speed the car up much at all. So going with a high low set up you pretty much just have the two options. But in the case of a blower car with testing a guy could find a high gear combo that would run the same as the low gear combo with blower over drive and fuel curve. For those of up with out that option its pretty much and on/off switch. in the gas comp classes you could use it to drop down an index if you just cant quite get the one you normally run (because of weather or track conditions) and be right back in the hunt. Im sure staging would have to be different (deeper) .

From the info I have gotten. 60' will drop some and et about .5.Stage is same but due to slower 60 I would have to know where to set delay box to keep a decent light. Using lockout in delay box will keep it from causing possible issue if hit down track by accident. FTI said it is lot easier on clutches than shift to hogh right out of hole. Only draw back I have found so far is cost and thats only 200 bucks extra.When you figure what it cost to play this game anyway it small price for extra tuning option that could save the day at crap track.

Yes when using a delay box your staging wouldnt change, and after a few hits to get the box set you would be ready to the make the change at anytime and be close. Using the lock out feature of the box would be a must with type of valvebody. For sure it is easier on the high clutch pack to leave in high rather than quick shift, however we were just getting data with a customer to see how his car reacted and what his difference in staging would be as he is a bottom bulb racer. Once a racer has data it becomes a great tool. I have seen guys switch set ups between rounds just to make the guy wonder whats up, or the race has run late and the dew comes in. With as much as we spend $200 is small change.     
So collect lots of data so when the time comes to use the option you will be ready.

I'm looking to slow my reaction time down about .130. Any ideas as to how much leaving in second might add? Right now the car 60fts 1.20-1.21.
Also is there a way to determine if the brake in the trans is a Pro Tree or Full Tree?


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