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the Prisoner

<< < (10/15) > >>

Well doing a little to emulate one of my heroes Pete Robinson........  yum yom yom


That's how I do mine. I go down the side and eliminate the mount bosses & also cut the screw in freeze plugs to flush. I use a ball end mill and cut in small steps as I go down the sides in rows, then finish up with a hand grinder to make the sides smooth. 

So the Pistons and Rods are on order , the Prisoner team is proud to support such a fine drag racing company.
Will be thinking of Joe P as we load the soldiers.

B seein you.

Hello all:
Block pretty much deburred. Made up some plugs for valley casting holes.
Good enough to start machining and final deburr afterwards.

Going to give it a tickle on the line hone next. Main Bores measured good but not happy with the finish.


 When capping those holes it's a real good idea to drill drain backs in the front to aid in getting oil back to the pan. Hyflow  Dynamics web site has pics of the mod and others,


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