Technical > Roo Man's Room

Full Bore


Hi Roo and all:
So I went to the full-bore site to see about ordering a few extra Super Buttons and whoa. No longer available ???

Maybe its been like this for awhile but was news to me.
So did a Google search to see who might have some left and Speedway came up.
Whats interesting though is if you look at bottom of Full-bore page  is they say " (Buttons sold by Speedway Motors are not Full-Bore Super Buttons) "
So they are imposters.
- My question is are they any good?
- Or do you or anyone know who might have some Full-bore's in stock?
Seen some ratty looking generic buttons wanted to honor Roy Fjastad

Thank you

Check out  They have allen head quarter turn fasteners. They're not made by Full Bore, but they are every bit as good. Seel, aluminum, flat, domed, whatever grip length you need.


--- Quote from: fuel749 on January 11, 2015, 07:13:20 AM ---Check out  They have allen head quarter turn fasteners. They're not made by Full Bore, but they are every bit as good. Seel, aluminum, flat, domed, whatever grip length you need.

--- End quote ---

They probably get them from Behrents in NY. That is where mine come from now.


Scott & Frank make them too.  I like their price on them. When i remember, i'm replacing all mine.

Thanks guys :)


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