Technical > Roo Man's Room

Wheel bearings - where to buy?

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 I had this in my folder also. Its for a national seal.

National 471787

When you take these apart look them over close. Im sure you will  :). But what I have seen a few times in my limited experience.
If the bearings were not kept adjusted correctly it can hammer on the Spindles Bearing shoulder.
Check to be sure someone didnt prick punch, stake a loose race in place.
Take the washer off and make sure the nut can go up to bearing.   Making sure your not adjusting bearings with interference from the threads.
Watch the seal surface not being dinged from rough assembly.
take care

Thanks a lot guys. I`ll pull the bearings and see if i can find a local supplier, otherwise i will try order from one of the listed shops.

Totally T:
JRFuelHayden may be able to help...

         thanks for jumping in here and helping. I have been working in another shop all this week (putting a cage in a road race Mini Cooper) so I have not had much chance to look a the board.



--- Quote from: rooman on January 09, 2015, 04:38:03 AM ---Luke,
         thanks for jumping in here and helping. I have been working in another shop all this week (putting a cage in a road race Mini Cooper) so I have not had much chance to look a the board.


--- End quote ---

There you are.
I did not want to impose but just throwing a little bit out there.
Would that be a New Cooper or an original Cooper.  Either way I am thinking there was some contortion work involved. :P
Thanks much


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