Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Push throttle

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I have space issues around my throttle pedal and have had a hokey bell crank setup with the normal pull action on the cable.  I looked in the rule book but did not find anything specifying the throttle had to be a pull action.  Only thing I found for sure is you do have to have a throttle return spring.  You have to run a push/pull morse style cable anyways so I was going to run it from the front and push the throttle.  Did I miss something in the rules?  Anyone ever do this for drag racing?  Found some pics of this done on boats.

It's a push pull cable so why not ?

H.G. Wells:
I do not have pics, but both of my cars have been push set ups.

I ended up fabbing up this today.  Should work fine.

I never liked a push cable seems to push a little hard then cam over and get easier I looped my morse cable behind the rearend housing  and came up behind the peddle made a tab off the pedal and made it a pull.


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