Technical > Spud Miller's Cave
Hilborn 4 Door
Hi, If memory serves me correct, Hilborn made, or still makes a couple of 4 port injectors. What was the reason for the different ones and why was one tall and the other short? Would a 3" work on a 392 Hemi with a 5% under driven,6-71?
Thanks Spud
The short one was made for Mickey Thompson for his B'ville car
So that's why they made 4 door's, for B'ville cars? Really. I wonder if it would work any differently than the taller version?
The only diference would be the dia of the throttle blades
Spud Miller:
I honestly don't know any of the history behind those...thanks DRE.
I bet a phone call to Hilborn would net even more info on them.
Merry Christmas everybody!
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