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--- Quote from: dreracecar on December 08, 2014, 06:46:32 PM ---If you are building a new car and going to use a tri-pod style front end, there are no problems
If you are replacing older spindles on an existing axle with the new Strange's, they will have 1* neg camber, EVERY spindle ever made before these were 8* and the new Stranges are 7*

--- End quote ---

Wow, this is too bad, thanks for the heads up Bruce. The 8° Strange spindles will became collectible items. What were they thinking??

If you're building a new axle or replacing the spindle bosses as well as the spindles you'll have no problems. 

The work to change the spindle bosses is more work than just building a new axle, Anything CAN be done, this is just a heads up to those replacing existing spindles or buying a pre-made axle, that the new Strange units have different dimentions then what has been the industry standard for the last 50 years.


There's been a couple different spindle boss heights as well between a couple of the manufacturers as well. 

Yes there are and M/W wants you to use a bronze thrust washer (comes with) to make up the gap.


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