Technical > Roo Man's Room


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I talked to Dimitri from Strange today and he said that when they did their spindles they simply copied the existing units. I just set one of my Strange units up in the lathe chuck and measured the king pin angle relative to the lathe bed and it is 8 degrees. To make sure I was doing it right I put a McKinney spindle up next and it measured the same. Interesting the P-S Machine spindles off my Don Long car measure in at 8.5+ degrees but they had the bushes reamed after they were chromed back in 1969 and that may be where the discrepancy comes from.
I had made a new axle for one of my customers this week and cut the notch to the same angle as I always did for the Stiletto spindles (and more recent Strange units) and the boss fit perfectly with the spindles in my Mark William style fixture.

Bad QC at Strange then

SPE  8.5
M/W  8.5
P&S 8.5
OEM Anglia  8.5
Strange   7.5

all measured the same way off the chuck in my lathe with a digital degree readout


--- Quote from: dreracecar on December 24, 2014, 09:34:37 AM ---Bad QC at Strange then

SPE  8.5
M/W  8.5
P&S 8.5
OEM Anglia  8.5
Strange   7.5

all measured the same way off the chuck in my lathe with a digital degree readout

--- End quote ---

Bruce... have you called Strange about this??

I did, said they would get back to me, that was 3 months ago, but figured I was the only one that brought it up "we sold hundreds of these and no problems", not many shops build front axles like I do anymore.

 not many shops build front axles like I do anymore.

They don't? How do they get made?


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