Technical > Roo Man's Room

To build or buy built

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" Building a fixture to get it up off the ground would make things so much bertter and give you a quality product, but that takes more time and money added to the build, but that to is also added into the pro builders price tag".
  Exactly, Bruce and that answers the question " Why do you guys charge so much when I can by a kit for $xx from S & W" (or whoever). A real chassis shop has a lot of money invested in jigging and fixtures, not to mention the years of experience to know how to build the car and the overhead of running a business, on top of the labor cost to actually put the car together.


Draw 3D:
I built most of mine and if I could do it over, I would get as most done by a builder as possible or buy a used one and modify it as necessary.

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed it but the amount of forming, shaping and welding tools required are pretty large and expensive and learning to use them properly was time consuming.

Either way, good luck

  The big question is----How many of these "KITS" have been sold and completed and are not just sitting around in someones garage half done because the buyer discovered how much hard work it really took to build.
  Its just like a gym membership---at first you are all hot to go and then you stop going when the hard work begins

JrFuel Hayden:
If you should decide to buy a used FED, I know of a few.
Call, 805-444-4489

Jon, Hayden Wheels


--- Quote from: dreracecar on November 25, 2014, 12:07:46 PM ---Roo,
  The big question is----How many of these "KITS" have been sold and completed and are not just sitting around in someones garage half done because the buyer discovered how much hard work it really took to build.
  Its just like a gym membership---at first you are all hot to go and then you stop going when the hard work begins

--- End quote ---

True story Bruce. Our buddy Worm talks of selling 150 cars but IF he has moved that many most of them are still in someone's garage partly built as I don't see anywhere near that many at the track. And think of all the Alston/Art Morrison etc door car packages that are in the 'too hard" basket. Even getting from a tack welded kit to a car that you can take to the track is a stretch for most people. You know the deal, you start on a new car and the customer comes in after you get the basic car laid out and is impressed with your progress. Then you start fitting it out with all the detail stuff and get accused of putting the car on the back burner because the customer does not realize that there is way more time in the little stuff than the basic frame package.



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