Technical > Roo Man's Room

To build or buy built

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The best plans available are from SFI. There is no MAGIC any of this. There are no plans out there of a superior design thats works better that others--- they all basicly work the same

Paul New:
On my first car I had the upper and lower frame rail to close together which mad the car very flexible but that is not a good thing the car was very squirrelly

Well I have ordered an sfi chassis spec 2.4c and have talked to Parks and Tuttle, both very informative and funny as can be. I have really enjoyed all of this and thanks for all the input. Everyone has a different opinion but all build the same thing to an extent. This is going to be a blast to do and cannot wait to get started. Now just need to make a plan and stick to it. Good luck with that right?

Look up dragster supply on the internet he sells a great kit and lots of little tabs  and componants which will make your build easier David Beard is a great guy and easy to work with. He does a lot of work here in the northeast and can custom build anything you need also his prices are great.  He has done two cars for me using my componants and constructing the cars to various stages so I could do a lot of the work myself. You will not be disappointed.


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