Technical > Roo Man's Room

To build or buy built

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Paul New:
Dave Tuttle use to offer a kit/blue print to build his chassis, not sure if he stil does this or not.

i have the SW prints , they are pretty detailed with a few bend pages , front axle page , and a few big prints with location for rear , engine , etc ... i think there 100.00 and worth every penny .

JrFuel Hayden:
Yes, I have heard Dave sells plans also, our car was build by Dave in 1997. Dave's number is 530-547-2402 or 208-549-1500,
You could call Neil & Parks, 785-654-3440, they also sell plans, and good ones at that.


Paul New:
I would buy a set of Parks plans for sure his cars work!


--- Quote from: Paul New on November 26, 2014, 01:24:31 PM ---I have built two FED's my first one had quite a few design flaws as I had a look I wanted to go for (think pointy nose) and it just didn't work to well with the HP levels I eventually threw at it, it did great in the 8.20's-8.60's but not to well in the mid 7's. My next car I spent 3 months on from start to finish and that was a full time job after my full time job. I would love to build another new car just don't have the spare time anymore........

--- End quote ---

Can you elaborate a little further? Explain more about your design flaws?


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