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To build or buy built

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--- Quote from: JeffV8 on November 25, 2014, 06:20:25 PM ---You know he's YOUR buddy Bruce.

--- End quote ---

Never bought me dinner

I have first hand experience on building a S and w kit from the beginning and was surprised how long and cost and time consuming it actually is taking. I'm presently mounting the body,  but my kit arrived last November and i thought it would be rolling by last new years but  it has taken me a full year to get to wear I am. The frame kit was good and even though this is my first dragster build I have built a couple of show winning hot rods and I was amazed at how much stuff there was to do, as Rooman said. Brackets , tabs and making everything work is fairly time consuming and costly. I spend a fair amount of time on it every day and quite a bit of money on all the little stuff and was just looking at my bill yesterday  for my dzuz fasteners and associated hardware and that alone and cost me 250 bucks. If i did it again I would probably buy, but it is also pretty nice when you can say you built your own. But in the end I fired it up in less than a year and ready to run for this spring.

Paul New:
I have built two FED's my first one had quite a few design flaws as I had a look I wanted to go for (think pointy nose) and it just didn't work to well with the HP levels I eventually threw at it, it did great in the 8.20's-8.60's but not to well in the mid 7's. My next car I spent 3 months on from start to finish and that was a full time job after my full time job. I would love to build another new car just don't have the spare time anymore........

First of all Happy Thanksgiving to all...

So thanks for all the input and thanks to Hayden for the phone time and input. I have been involved in a few door car builds just never a dragster. We do have a jig and all the necessary equipment for building a chassis. So I have decided to take the time and build. Is there any particular blueprint anyone recommends? Was thinking of purchasing a couple to study and work with. From what I have read and been told the S&W is on the heavy side, the MW appears to be fairly good print. Did find and print off the don long article you all talked about. And dreracecar I do go to the gym 5 days a week and have for a long time so giving up is not an option.....


This is my dad's latest build. The Merpar.


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