Technical > Roo Man's Room

support bar cut out

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If you do decide to PC check with local companys as to how big their oven is so your frame will fit. In SoCal, there is only one place I know of that has a long 25' booth, but he charges $900 just to coat (blasting extra) .The guy around the corner from my shop did a 150" (about max for his oven)car for $280

I'm not very good at leaving things alone. Anytime you want to add or subtract from the chassis. you need to grind the coating off then figure out how to make it look decent after that. If I started with a new chassis I would just use a rattle can and touch it up as needed. A PC chassis does look really nice when there done right just personal preference.


Sometimes why try to educate known it all
Glenn you can delete this if you like

--- Quote from: dreracecar on November 19, 2014, 02:55:57 PM ---Wow, Never saw a Magnaflux booth that big that would handle an entire chassie before

--- End quote ---

Dude, what your deal???
 been around stations that mag certify a lot of parts for me, and have never seen one big enough to handle a complete chassie, does not mean they dont exist, I have never seen one and if you have one or have access to one, thats great.

Guys, It's is my bad that I missed this, remember

 Everyone has a right to their opinions, and a right to do it differently then you might.

I will not allow the kind of stuff that went on over on HRE.

In my defense the forum is getting large enough that I just cannot read every post. It might be time to look for someone to help.


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