Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Wilwood rear disc brakes

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I would think that the truer your rotors run the less effect you would see when eliminating the RPV - speaking disc brakes.

I would imagine that Wilwood's advice stems from a liability perspective. Reccomending them must put them at a lower state of liability than not.

I can also imagine situations that they may not be necessary - if you aren't experiencing excessive pedal travel and the vibrations aren't causing issues - maybe they are not needed.

Novadude, how much free play do you have on the rod?

Great to hear all the responses!!! The rod probably has 1/4 inch of play in it, and it appears that the MC is returning to where it should. I believe I'm gonna remove the residual valve and try that (very carefully of course.) My MC is not very far below the calipers at all.

I thought of one more thing . How old are the calipers ? I did have a problem once and I rebuilt them and they were fine after that . S+W sells kits for them and they are very easy to do . Bill

They are a couple years old, I'm gonna put a master on it cause they are cheap. Gonna leave the residual valve off of it and see what it does.

Got the master on it minus the valve, pedal seems pretty good but wont know until i can test it out. Remote resovoir sits quite a bit higher than the calipers dont know if that makes a difference or not but we will see....


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